Video can help make learning supportive, relevant and meaningful. It can be designed for impact, and to connect individuals, to share effective practices, and change people’s perception and behaviour. But it’s how you use video that delivers those results says Laura Overton, chief executive of Towards Maturity. Here are her top tips to help video learning stick.
1. Make sure video content is relevant
If you want video to help learning stick, it’s has to be relevant for your audience – what do they need to do their jobs faster and better?
2. Understand the bigger picture for staff
How do you connect and engage with your staff, particularly across age groups? Do they have career paths, training? Video can help organisations engage with staff, if it’s used in a smart, integrated way.
3. Support from line managers is vital
Top performing organisations expect their line managers to take some kind of responsibility for their teams’ development. How can your line managers help staff use video learning in a more effective way?
4. Tell a great story!
Video is a fabulous medium to be able to engage, connect with and share stories with your audience – and that really does help learning stick.
5. Do staff know where to find your video learning?
Are they searchable? Do you have a curation strategy? Do your people need support to find what they need?
6. Have a purpose
Micro-learning is the hot topic of the year – everyone is talking about it. But whether you are using bite-sized videos, eLearning or webinars, use technology for a reason, not just for the sake of it.
7. Reinforce learning to reduce forgetting
Video is a fabulous medium to ‘space’ learning, which is known to help learning stick.
Register for this webinar with Will Thalheimer to find out more about the power of spaced learning
8. Don’t just flip the classroom, embed technology into it as well
Video is perfect for offering something new and fresh into the classroom environment.
9. Cut the clutter
Can your staff get to the video that helps them do their job faster and better, exactly when they need it? Reduce the available options if necessary in order to keep them focused.
10. Encourage sharing
Video is an amazing medium to help staff to share what they have learnt. Encourage your staff to ‘pay it forward’.
The above tips and tactics are based on the activity of high performing organisations – as revealed in Towards Maturity research. To find out more watch the video on this page, or look at the slides from her presentation at the Learning Technologies Summer Forum 2017. Or download the benchmark at
Laura Overton is Founder and CEO of Towards Maturity – an independent, not for profit organisation that helps people professionals deliver improved performance through learning innovation. Since 2003, over 5,800 people professionals have used the Towards Maturity Benchmark to help them establish an effective technology-enabled learning culture.
Towards Maturity also conducts research directly with learners in the workplace with the Towards Maturity Learning Landscape Audit – helping L&D teams understand how staff learn what they need for their jobs. To date, over 40,000 learners have been involved in this research.
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