08451 707 702 info@charitylearning.org
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Update: 4 August 2015

Hi there Members,

I would like to notify you that we will be automatically upgrading all systems to Moodle 2.9.1. Often notices will appear (example shown below) as we make minor changes to the system however this is a slightly bigger upgrade so the warning message will look a little different.

On Monday 10th of August you might see a message similar to this. When this appears you can click to continue and follow the steps.

If you receive a red warning message to say that it has failed, please call us on 08451 707 705.

Please note that it is not possible to opt out of upgrades unless you pay for your own managed infrastructure with the CLC. If you would like to discuss this please contact your account manager or call the main office on 08451 707 702.

Kind regards,

Ian RossIan Ross
Learning Technologies Manager
Charity Learning Consortium | 08451 707 705