08451 707 702 info@charitylearning.org
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Our story

Our mission is to help all charities, their staff and volunteers, have access to FREE, great quality video learning to inspire them 

Martin Baker, CEO, is the driving force behind Clear Lessons. He’s well known for establishing the Charity Learning Consortium, and for being a voice for great quality, effective learning and development in the third sector.

Over the last 15 years, Martin has found that only larger charities with bigger budgets can afford to focus on developing the skills of their staff. He wanted to find a way to help ALL charities with their learning needs, regardless of their size or budget. The NCVO estimates there are approximately 13 million charity staff and volunteers in the UK: video seemed the perfect way to share expertise with a mass audience. 

“He wanted to find a way to help ALL charities with their learning needs,

regardless of their size or budget.” 

With support from the Charity Learning Consortium and the UFi Charitable Trust he developed a prototype platform called GivebackUK. Now rebranded as Clear Lessons, the bespoke library has more than 1,500 videos, sharing wisdom from a wide range of organisations, including charities like Barnardos, the Foundation for Social Improvement (theFSI), the Good Things Foundation and the Chartered Institute for Personnel & Development (CIPD)

  • New videos are constantly being added to the library, several featuring well-being specialist Liggy Webb
  • Martin is working with organisations like Aviva, Costa and River Island to develop a Digital Series of videos to share much needed digital expertise
  • A revised platform, with extra features and functionality, is also due to be launched in 2019

Not from a charity?

If you’re from a corporate organisation and are looking for cost effective, great quality video learning please speak to one of our friendly team.

CL Consortium ltd
Vine House, Selsley Road,

Stroud, GL5 5NN