08451 707 702 info@charitylearning.org
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Free video learning for the charity sector


1500+ bitesized videos sharing work-based expertise

What is Clear Lessons?

Our FREE video learning library is designed to share charity expertise on a range of topics like fundraising, volunteers, crisis management, workplace wellbeing and ‘going digital’.  

Why video? Put simply, people love it! And it’s the perfect way to share work based wisdom with a mass third sector audience. Use our content to inspire your staff and volunteers.

Corporates can also purchase a licence to use our trusted video learning library, with proceeds supporting free access for charities. 

Video learning platform

We’ve created a bespoke, trusted platform which is fully responsive for tablets and smartphones, so staff and volunteers can log in anytime, any place, anywhere.

Our generic platform is absolutely FREE with unlimited access for all third sector organisations. Members of the Charity Learning Consortium get some extra goodies too! 

For a small fee, the platform can be branded for any type of organisation. Plus you’ll get extra functionality to upload your own content and push out playlists to ‘flip’ the classroom, as well as great features such as tracking and reporting.

Speak to one of our friendly team to find out more. 

Content library

Our bite sized videos include a wide range of general topics, like mental health, as well as charity specific content. A new series of videos shares vital digital expertise.

We film real people, telling authentic stories about the work challenges they’ve solved. Videos are intentionally short, as research reveals a definite ‘sweet spot’ to keep viewers engaged.   

Experts sharing advice from…

Experts sharing advice from…

Quite simply, learners love video.

If you’re from a corporate organisation and are looking for cost effective, great quality video learning please speak to one of our friendly team.

CL Consortium ltd
Vine House, Selsley Road,

Stroud, GL5 5NN